
Sports for today

8am wake up
8.10am 400times 30 pound weight to train muscle @@(believe it, i done it)
930am go back
10am eat roti telur x2 with milo and cereal and mushroom soup
11am read something for exams T.T
12pm watch video
12.30pm find jack
1.30pm go eat KFC ==(stupid 1 me, y i dun wan go eat mc donald( lunch hour)
2.30pm study with jack, suddenly Anthony come and take his laptop from me, waa den he went
den, he went back Pahang..
5pm went back
5.30 walk the bb hill with my beloved mum, saw dad on the way haha.. (x3 round, up and down)
7pm went swim ( 1km with zhong sen, 2km with others(freestyle), 10 x 4o High velocity sprint(freestyle)
too bad pancit after 5 x 40... swt ..
9.45pm went back, eat...
10pm heres my day full of exercises @@.... lol....

gd nite everyone... haha... jus wan to remember this day cause it is my happy day...
long time nv feel this happy as i long time nv do this amount of exercise.. nice.....^^